Tender Winning Tips
Tips on Finding Business
If you are a consultant, supplier or contractor, apply for a registration to concerned department, related to your field of business.
Develop a personal relationship with government buyers. The better the buyers know what goods or services you provide, the more likely you are to be invited to quote.
Get a foot in the door by approaching buyers for lower contract opportunities.
Keep in regular contact with government buyers to confirm that they are still in that role. If not, find out whom you should approach.
Build a competitive edge, such as a reputation for quality and service, or experience in local government sectors.
Don’t assume that you will be given business just because you are “local”. You must market your business to the buyers, and be competitive, in order to win business.
Register with more government departments for maximum tendering opportunity.
Provide buyers with details of your business, such as backup, warranty, time in business, references.
Regularly check the tender advertisements on a tender alert website like tenderserviceonline.com
Don’t be afraid to be innovative.
Request a debriefing if your tender is unsuccessful. Find out why your tender was successful so that you can be more competitive in the future.
Tips on Registration of Firms
Read the relevant guidelines before you start writing your application.
Make sure you address all the issues and answer all the questions I your response.
Make sure that you provide documentation that supports your application to be registered in the category you are requesting.
Provide all relevant information so that a fully informed assessment can be made.
Contact the relevant department if you have questions or require clarification.
Make one person the contact point for your registration application.
Provide a professional looking completed form.
Purchase, read and make sure you understand any standing contract documents required.
Tips on policy and Principle
Make sure you understand the principles behind government purchasing process, such as value for money, open and effective competition, so that when tendering for a project you can be sure that you understand how the purchasing decision will be made.
Be familiar with the government’s purchasing policies so that you can make sure your tender complies.
Value for money does not necessarily mean the lowest price.
Do not confuse creating opportunities for local business with giving preference to local suppliers. Purchasers cannot give you preference over foreign companies if the goods or services required are of technical specifications which cannot be manufactured in Pakistan.
The method in which a tender is sought is usually determined by the value of the item or services to be purchased. This can provide a clue on the highest price that will be accepted.
There are many on line tender information providing websites like www.tenderserviceonline.com .You can also visit this site for latest tender news and articles. So you can plan your response to tender invitation today and get lots of business possibilities in government sector.